Acibadem Health Point provides services in various medical branches. There are doctors who specialize in many fields such as general surgery, internal medicine, orthopedics, cardiology, gynecology and neurology.
The hospital accepts patients 24 hours a day with emergency services. Expert teams in the emergency department provide immediate intervention and treatment.
Acibadem Turkey has a service approach that attaches importance to patient satisfaction. Modern patient rooms designed with the comfort and needs of patients in mind are a reflection of this understanding.
Special services are offered to international patients coming from outside Turkey. Support is provided on issues such as language translation, patient escort, and visa procedures.
Acibadem Hospital is an organization that attaches importance to education and research in the field of medicine. Various educational programs and research projects are carried out.
The hospital allows you to easily make an appointment via its online appointment system. This allows patients to manage their appointment process more quickly and effectively.